Saturday, April 08, 2006

More lambs

Two more sets of twins were born this morning. Doing well when we found them before breakfast. All together three ram lambs and one ewe lamb. We considered bringing them in this morning but the stalls are full of other ewes and lambs. The plan was to release them after Lucky's new owner comes to get him this afternoon.

I spent most of the day on the road in order to go watch my 5 year old Canadian/percheron cross, Sofia, in the early stages of her professional harness training.

Home around two. A phone message notified us that Lucky is here for another day. I headed out to check on the babies.

One lamb is alone and crying. Another lamb is lying dead in the dirt. What the ... ?! Looking around I see one ewe with two lambs, and the other with one. Counting now... oh my, that means there was another set of triplets born this morning, with the third arriving after our morning check.

Neither ewe will claim the crying solo lamb. At least not yet. After a frantic call to RNB who wasn't due home for hours, I fed the rejected lamb (who at a few hours old is already bigger than Lucky), tucked him into a padded crate (might be a good resting spot for me soon), and resumed my settling in activities here at home.

Sitting at the computer I glanced out the window and saw the young bull calf pestering the ewe and single lamb. Oh no! Was he behind the demise of the triplet? I don't know but I tore outside and scooted him off! Not at all confident he would restrain himself in the future, I picked up the lamb and headed out the gate, momma ewe leaning into me as I went. She's certainly attached to this one.

While I set up some temporary fencing outside, I left mother and babe on the lawn. Once I put them in their quarters, situated next to the barn, the horses arrived and were all ears and eyes. "What is happening here in the corner of my paddock?!" I hurried to put out some more hay to keep their attention away from these vulnerable sheep, then gave the ewe some hay and took a deep breath.

When RNB comes home, we will move the older lambs and their ewes outside. And set up the new moms and their lambs inside. I pray this one ewe will take back her baby. Clearly he's eaten something and knew what to do with the bottle though he wasn't certain about the texture of the nipple and the taste of the milk!

I was celebrating prematurely this morning. Thinking ahead to having NO sheep in the barn, having NO bottle baby to tend to... Ha!


Zinnia said...

you wrote:
"I spent most of the day on the road in order to go watch my 5 year old Canadian/percheron cross, Sofia, in the early stages of her professional harness training."

How is she doing? Isn't it wonderful to watch them learn new things and succeed and grow? When I first read this, I thought it said, "my 5 year old Canadian/percheron cross, SOFA..."

Lasell Jaretzki Bartlett said...

Sofia is doing well. It is hard to have her there because I have some idea that I'm the only one who can... fill in the blank. But I get to see she can figure out the communication with someone else, someone who I do trust in her clarity and gentleness and patient approach.

I think she has a new nickname, SOFA! LOL Especially considering the comfortable spanse of her wide back!