Thursday, August 10, 2006


I do feel a bit lost when I am unable to count on communications with others.

My ISP is refusing all emails from the company that hosts my .org address. That means I've gotten virtually no emails since Monday. A few folks have gotten through using my fairpoint address, a few have made contact via yahoo lists. A very few have connected by phone. How old fashioned! How lovely!

Meanwhile, riding more and writing less continues to be a theme. Although I'm creating a newsletter for the therapeutic riding center where I work and volunteer. That keeps my brain occupied.

My rides have been delightful except for those times I go into automatic old habit patterned behavior and start pushing my horse. How quickly that shows up as unpleasant feelings between us -- me annoyed and pushy, horse worried, worried, worried. As soon as I back off and calm myself, things resume in a sensible way.

It's raining and very green. Time to do some chores.

1 comment:

Zinnia said...

Aha! I tried to email you but could nto get any through. Glad you are still "in" there.