Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My teachers

My current favorites are Harry Whitney and Leslie Desmond. Well, that refers to two folks with who, I can study once or twice a year. I must not forget my local teachers, both horse and human.

RW and HB are my horsey friends/mentors/colleagues in closest geographical and paradigm proximity.

My backyard teachers are currently Kacee, Rusty, Sofia, Prince, Soli and Bill. Four-leggeds and in this season, fuzzy to the max.

In the future I will be adding to this blog some of my notes from studying time with Harry and Leslie.

The Natural Horse Magazine published an article about my week with Harry in Tennessee, in the Jan-Feb 2006 issue. One can subscribe for online access or print copies at

Harry Whitney's website:
Leslie Desmond's website:

There are yahoo groups that serve as online discussion and study groups for both of these teachers.

Now it's time to go learn something from the BCT -- Backyard Crew of Teachers.

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