Friday, March 31, 2006

Another great resource

I have initiated a new adventure. In April I will be visiting a woman professional who provides Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) in her community. From her site:


Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy: The mission of this site, Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy by Susan M. Taylor, is to provide information and resources to psychotherapists and counselors who are interested in embarking upon the work of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy. Differing opinions, styles, theories and techniques will be included along with information on how to access organizations and people already doing the work.


I'm looking forward to learning from her. She has told me that when I arrive for my visit, she and her staff will treat me as if I'm a new client, and proceed from there. Perfect for my learning style! I learn by doing. I later will offer to others what I've gained from my experience as the learner. More than that I don't know!

I've been researching on the web, both for what I'm offering where I work, and also for developing a private practice using EFP. Currently when I teach horsemanship, my focus always includes the relationship between the human student and the horse. Horsemanship is totally dependent on the relationship. The quality of horsemanship that is possible depends on the quality of relationship one aspires to. Improving what we offer in relationship can be a demanding endeavor as it means looking within and letting go of what doesn't work in order for there to be real space for the new ideals to blossom.

OK, back to working on a brochure to advertise the mental health program where I work.

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