Sunday, November 19, 2006

Chilly ride

We rode today! Neither cold nor hunting season kept us away from a lively 'trail ride' on the near-by dirt roads. The youngster who has been riding with me for a few months joined RNB and I for this adventure and it was fun. We rode Prince, Rusty, and Soli, and all were forward and responsive and a bit on the edge of lots of life. There were some controlled trots, some intermittently controlled canters, and some full out galloping. The horses needed it as much as we did. They've been spending a lot of time on soft footing (muddy paddock and/or damp pasture) and I know it feels good to stretch out on some firmer footing!

1 comment:

BL said...

Thanks for the reminder to check in with you and enjoy VT and your construction and animals. You are quite the photographer! and the subject in the ring! I was a dog lover; horses were gorgeous to look at from behind the fence. A few of my friends were riders and one of my two best friends in OZ did dressage, show jumping, and three-day eventing, I believe. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Happy Thanksgiving! We were talking about Kennebunkport today remembering Duffy's pizza, the bakery, and health food store...I could have done with our favorite Sunday breakfast!
Love always,